What to put in storage?

This might sound crazy coming from a storage company, but most people don’t really need to use self-storage as much as they do. You need self-storage when you remodel your house, or are between apartments, or maybe to place your boat away for the winter. Perhaps you need to out away those holiday decorations, skis, sleds, snow tires, or snowmobiles after winter passes. We understand you need us for those reasons, and that is what we are here for.

However, often when faced with more items than you really know what to do with, the best thing you can do is donate them. Placing items you have no plan for into storage often results in paying a storage company more than the value of what you are putting in storage. Realistically, the old bicycle, mattress, sofa, or those unwanted toys is not worth the cost to pay to the storage fees. Get rid of those items and save yourself the money. If you happen to need the bicycle in 4 months’ time, you likely could replace it with a new bicycle with the money you saved by not placing unwanted items into storage to begin with.

This logic applies to that old worn-out chair, the old TV, and the old microwave. Don’t place them in a self-storage unit, Donate them. If you are willing to part with them for 4 months, it is quite likely that not much will change in month 5 that will cause you to need them five months from now anyway.

We often tell costumers who call us to put all the items the want to place into a storage into a room, then, we suggest that they get rid of half of what is in that pile. If costumers do that before they rent the storage unit, they will find themselves money ahead in 6 months’ time.

Yes, we rent storage space for a living. But what we find is that if we are honest with our costumers upfront instead of trying to rent them space they really don’t need, everyone benefits. Customers save money and we as the storage operator have a costumer who knows that we have their best interest at heart.

At Interstate, we succeed when costumers know that we are looking out for them with our gate systems, camera system, alarm systems, relentless maintenance, lock checks and, most of all, in the initial phone call helping them to pick the smallest storage unit they feel they can live with.


Perhaps you have an extra vehicle which you plan to put into storage. In deciding whether or not to spend the money to do it, the single most important decision to make is whether to put the vehicle in;

  • An individual storage unit where it is behind a locked door (often times with trickle charge electricity) and is protected from the elements where only you have the key.
  • A large warehouse where it is protected from the elements and where access is controlled, BUT anyone who has a vehicle at the site can access your vehicle.
  • Covered parking where it is protected to some extent from the elements but the control of access to your vehicle is minimal.
  • An open lot which guarantees both exposure to the elements and, largely, unfettered access to your vehicle.

Probably the single biggest storage issue, aside from wear and tear to your vehicle from the elements, is vandalism. No storage is fool-proof in this era where classic car and RV parts are exceedingly expensive. It doesn’t end with the simplest parts. Catalytic Converters are a “HOT” item. Almost anyone who is considering placing their vehicle in storage knows about this critical aspect of your emissions control system. Catalytic Converters contain platinum, palladium and rhodium and can be unbolted and removed or cut off with a reciprocating saw in about a minute often times damaging other parts of the vehicle in the process. The replacement cost for such a device is often over $1,000 and if you have one removed from your motorhome, expect it to run close to $2,000.
In summary, if you have to put your vehicle in storage, consider security as an important aspect of what you are paying for.

Can You Store Everything?

Following the rules is important when renting a self-storage unit. This is especially true when it comes down to the real question; what will you be storing? Belongings and items that are easy to store when you won’t be needing them for a while; clothing, bikes, furniture, appliances and books. But not everyone stores these kinds of items 100% of the time. Some nonstandard items cause real problems and aren’t legal. Here are some examples of the items that are more than likely to be prohibited in storage units.
Facilities have ongoing contracts exterminators to keep pests out. Perishable foods are the main thing that attracts pests. These are foods that can spoil quickly like meat, dairy, fish, poultry and produce. Not storing these items will help prevent bugs, spiders, and rodents from damaging any belongings.
Plants are also pests tractors. Plants don’t love to be stored. They don’t get enough air, sun, and hydration. As well as not ever storing pets, which is illegal, you cannot care for them and can wind up in a lot of trouble. Remember that storage units are not meant to store living things or food.
There is nothing wrong with storing a car, truck, van or motorcycle. Many people store vehicles that are no longer going to be used or if they are traveling and need their automobile to be safe. Just remember there are rules, one of which is having registration, or title, this proves as of what type of vehicle is being stored and a description of the vehicle. Another rule is not being able to be working or fixing the vehicle being in storage.
Storing illegal items (illegal drugs, explosives, and counterfeit materials just to name a few) is of course not allowed, stolen items are also not permitted to be stored and you could face serious legal consequences and lose your storage unit.
With that being said the rules and regulations exist for a reason; to keep you and your items as safe as possible.